Latin American Space Challenge
6th LASC Edition
The 6th LASC will be held on-site in a city near São Paulo, Brazil. The Calendar for the 6th LASC is under revision. However it is certain that the event will occur in the fourth quarter of 2025.
6th LASC Accepted Teams Confirmation Form is open! Fill the form to maintain or update missions registered in the previous entry form. Guarantee your team slot or register new missions. New teams are also invited.
Best Launch Area in the World!
Rocket and Satellite Challenge.
Safety: Value number 1!
Launch your Rocket!
Latin American Space Challenge
The 6th Latin American Space Challenge will be composed of two challenges: the Rocket Challenge and the Satellite Challenge.
You can register a Team to participate with multiple missions in the Rocket Challenge or in the Satellite Challenge.
You may also participate in both challenges as our main objective is to maximize the teams that develop satellites to fly on its experimental rockets.